The Vault

The Vault

Level 57, ilvl 115


The Pillars (X:11, Y:7)

A Knight's Calling

Ser Aymeric's attempt to bring the truth of the Dragonsong War to light has ended in failure. Imprisoned by the archbishop under suspicion of heresy, he now languishes in the gaol underneath the Vault. Yet all is not yet lost, for Lucia has hatched a bold plan to see justice done. While her party frees Ser Aymeric from captivity, you are to lead a party into the highest levels of the Vault and seize Thordan VII. Though the knights of the Heavens' Ward will attempt to bar your passage, you must press on, for the future of Ishgard hangs in the balance!  


Ser Adelphel Brightblade

When you first pull him and his 3 adds, the 4 of them will be weak. But when the adds are dead and his health is around 30%, heu2019ll knock everyone back and transform to a more powerful version. In this form he has some flashy spells. Holiest of Holies will do moderate unavoidable damage to everyone. Holy shield bash is one where he puts a green marker over one player's head, then beats the crap out of them for a few seconds. Healers make sure the marked player is topped off. He has a signature combo with three abilities. First, with Shining Blade heu2019ll dash around the room multiple times, leaving bright spheres in his path. Second, bright spheres will start exploding around the room in the order they were spawned, doing heavy damage to anyone near them, so stay away from them as much as possible. Third, one player will have a white marker over their head as the spheres are exploding. This player needs to stay far from other players, as the boss will jump and land on the marked player dealing heavy AoE damage with execution.

Ser Grinnaux The Bull

He starts off in a weak form where he doesn't do much, just some melee and basic AoE attacks. Around 50% he will knock everyone back and change to his stronger form. With dimensional collapse, heu2019ll put some interesting AoE patterns on the floor, but these can easily be avoided to prevent taking damage. Hyperdimensional slash is a heavy line AoE blast attack which is also marked and can be avoided. He will do this many times, and each time it leaves behind a void portal. Any player standing near a void portal will take damage from it, so stay away from them for the rest of the fight. With faith unmoving, heu2019ll knock back all players to the wall, just make sure you aren't near a void portal. Dimensional rip does heavy AoE damage in a circle, with a marker, then it leaves behind some void stuff that should be avoided. He repeats the abilities until killed, just watch for funky AoE patterns and stay away from void objects.

Ser Charibert

He changes into his more powerful form before the encounter begins. He opens the fight with Heavensflame, which puts large flaming circles under every player. Just move aside to avoid damage. With Holy Chain, he will link two players together with a chain who will take continuous damage as long as they are linked. Just separate from each other to break the chain. He will frequently spawn horse knights that line up and then cross the room, dealing heavy damage to anyone in their path and putting slow on them. Just find a gap in their line and stand in it. Altar pyre deals moderate unavoidable damage to everyone. Around 60% heu2019ll disappear and then reappear in the middle of the room. Heu2019ll become invulnerable while summoning some horse knights and holy flame spheres all over the arena. PLayers need to kill all the flames before he casts pure of heart. There's no way to tell when this will be exactly, but as long as you kill them quickly youu2019ll be fine. During this time, the two horse knights will be hitting players with line aoe attacks to keep you moving. Then Pure of Heart will do moderate damage to all players, and the two horse knights will despawn. For the remainder of the fight, heu2019ll do the same mechanics, but now youu2019ll see multiple abilities at the same time, and it gets pretty hectic. Youu2019ll also see multiple rows of horse knights crossing the arena back to back. Just stay alert and hit the limit break when it's ready.
